WebSitePulse Customer Uptime ReportCurrent date/time: Friday, 14/03/2025 10:48:26 GMT

Target details
Target Label: - Southfield, MI, USA Host:
Monitoring interval: 5 min. Target type: HTTP basic
Timezone: (GMT-05:00) Monitoring status: suspended
Monitoring start date: 01/06/2006 18:18

Current Status
Location StatusDurationLast checkResp. timePING info
Washington, DC Pendingn/an/an/a    
Los Angeles, CA Pendingn/an/an/a    
Brisbane, Australia Pendingn/an/an/a    
Dusseldorf, Germany Pendingn/an/an/a    

This Month Uptime
LocationTotal ChecksFailsAverage resp. timeUptime %DowntimeMax time UPMax time DOWN
Washington, DC00100.0000 %0h 0m0h 0m0h 0m
Los Angeles, CA00100.0000 %0h 0m0h 0m0h 0m
Brisbane, Australia00100.0000 %0h 0m0h 0m0h 0m
Dusseldorf, Germany00100.0000 %0h 0m0h 0m0h 0m
Total000.0000100.0000 %00h 0m0h 0m

Uptime Statistics for the last 3 months
LocationTotal ChecksFailsAverage resp. timeUptime %DowntimeMax time UPMax time DOWN
Washington, DC000.0000100.0000 %0h 0m0h 0m0h 0m
Los Angeles, CA000.0000100.0000 %0h 0m0h 0m0h 0m
Brisbane, Australia000.0000100.0000 %0h 0m0h 0m0h 0m
Dusseldorf, Germany000.0000100.0000 %0h 0m0h 0m0h 0m
Total000.0000100.0000 %00h 0m0h 0m

Uptime Statistics for the last 6 months
LocationTotal ChecksFailsAverage resp. timeUptime %DowntimeMax time UPMax time DOWN
Washington, DC000.0000100.0000 %0h 0m0h 0m0h 0m
Los Angeles, CA000.0000100.0000 %0h 0m0h 0m0h 0m
Brisbane, Australia000.0000100.0000 %0h 0m0h 0m0h 0m
Dusseldorf, Germany000.0000100.0000 %0h 0m0h 0m0h 0m
Total000.0000100.0000 %00h 0m0h 0m

Uptime Statistics since 01/06/2006 18:18
LocationTotal ChecksFailsAverage resp. timeUptime %DowntimeMax time UPMax time DOWN
Washington, DC8372361890.063899.9774 %3889d 11h 23m231d 14h 15m1h 32m
Los Angeles, CA8392672460.135699.9707 %3889d 17h 46m205d 0h 45m4h 0m
Brisbane, Australia8488981780.303599.9790 %3889d 12h 26m303d 22h 59m1h 32m
Dusseldorf, Germany8503002200.153899.9741 %3889d 16h 2m227d 19h 54m4h 29m
Total33757018330.164699.9753 %3889d 17h 46m303d 22h 59m4h 29m

Status history
Washington, DC
StatusStatus typeStart timeEnd TimeDuration
N/ASuspended21/07/2014 10:3914/03/2025 06:483888d 20h 9m
UPOK25/05/2014 00:5421/07/2014 10:3957d 9h 45m
DOWNConnection error25/05/2014 00:4925/05/2014 00:540h 4m
UPOK16/02/2014 17:4425/05/2014 00:4997d 7h 4m
DOWNTimeout warning16/02/2014 17:3916/02/2014 17:440h 4m

Los Angeles, CA
StatusStatus typeStart timeEnd TimeDuration
N/ASuspended21/07/2014 10:3914/03/2025 06:483888d 20h 9m
UPOK25/05/2014 00:5521/07/2014 10:3957d 9h 44m
DOWNConnection error25/05/2014 00:5025/05/2014 00:550h 4m
UPOK29/03/2014 23:1925/05/2014 00:5056d 1h 31m
DOWNConnection error29/03/2014 23:1429/03/2014 23:190h 4m

Brisbane, Australia
StatusStatus typeStart timeEnd TimeDuration
N/ASuspended21/07/2014 10:3914/03/2025 06:483888d 20h 9m
UPOK25/05/2014 00:5421/07/2014 10:3957d 9h 45m
DOWNConnection error25/05/2014 00:4925/05/2014 00:540h 5m
UPOK16/03/2014 17:3125/05/2014 00:4969d 7h 17m
DOWNTimeout warning16/03/2014 17:2716/03/2014 17:310h 4m

Dusseldorf, Germany
StatusStatus typeStart timeEnd TimeDuration
N/ASuspended21/07/2014 10:3914/03/2025 06:483888d 20h 9m
UPOK12/04/2014 01:1621/07/2014 10:39100d 9h 22m
DOWNConnection error12/04/2014 01:1112/04/2014 01:160h 5m
UPOK04/04/2014 07:1512/04/2014 01:117d 17h 56m
DOWNConnection error04/04/2014 07:1004/04/2014 07:150h 4m

This real time report is generated by WebSitePulse using the most current monitoring data.
Uptime Statistics and Response times are calculated based on the monitoring results of the WebSitePulse monitoring agent.

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